How To Put Fishing Line On A Reel

A Step-by-Step Guide for Anglers

Whether you’re new to fishing or an experienced angler, knowing how to properly spool your reel with fishing line is fundamental. Not only does it ensure your line is secure and less prone to tangling, but it also enhances your casting distance and accuracy. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps of putting fishing line on a reel, including some tips to make the process smoother.

Choosing the Right Fishing Line

Before you start, it’s important to select the right type of fishing line for your reel and fishing conditions. There are three main types of fishing line: monofilament, braided, and fluorocarbon, each with its own advantages and specific uses.

  • Monofilament is versatile and user-friendly, making it a great choice for beginners.
  • Braided line offers exceptional strength and durability, ideal for heavy cover and targeting big fish.
  • Fluorocarbon is virtually invisible underwater and has excellent abrasion resistance, perfect for clear water and wary fish.

What You’ll Need

  • Fishing line of your choice
  • A clean, empty reel
  • Scissors or line cutters
  • A soft, damp cloth (optional, for better grip)
  • A pencil or dowel (to help with tension)

Step-by-Step Instructions

1. Attach the Reel to the Rod: Start by securely attaching your reel to the rod. This will give you better control and leverage during the spooling process.

2. Open the Bail: For spinning reels, make sure to open the bail before threading the line. For baitcaster and spincast reels, this step isn’t necessary.

3. Thread the Line: Slowly thread the fishing line through the first rod guide (the one closest to the reel) and tie it to the reel spool. A simple arbor knot works well for this.

4. Secure the Line: After tying the line, cut off any excess close to the knot. For spinning reels, close the bail manually to secure the line.

5. Apply Gentle Tension: Ensure even and twist-free spooling by applying gentle tension to the line. You can achieve this by threading the line through a soft, damp cloth while reeling or having someone else provide slight resistance by holding the line spool on a pencil.

6. Reel Slowly: Start by reeling slowly to lay the line evenly across the spool. For spinning reels, align the line’s direction off the spool with its direction onto the reel to prevent twists.

7. Fill the Spool: Continue reeling until the spool is filled to approximately 1/8 inch from the rim. Overfilling can cause problems like poor casting and line tangling.

8. Cut and Secure the Line: Once your reel is adequately filled, cut the line, leaving enough to thread through the rest of your rod guides and to tie your lure or hook.

Tips for Success

  • Check the Line’s Direction: Always ensure the line comes off the spool in the same direction it’s being wound onto the reel to minimize twists.
  • Maintain Tension: Keeping tension on the line while spooling is crucial for preventing loops and tangles.
  • Don’t Rush: Take your time to ensure the line is evenly distributed across the spool.


Spooling a reel properly is a skill every angler should master. By following these steps, you can ensure your line is set up for maximum performance on the water. Remember, practice makes perfect, and the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Happy fishing!

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